Garden Lessons: What Makes Something Living? (Kindergarten)


Grades: Pre-K & Kindergarten

Lesson Objective(s): Some things are living in our garden, some things are not

Ohio Curriculum Standard: Living things have certain needs

Set up & Supplies Needed

  • Bucket/basket of living and non-living items from the garden: a rock, a small plant, picture of a person, a trowel, water bottle, picture of a car, a cabbage worm in a jar

  • “Living Things Need” List & accompanying items

  • 2 Hula hoops, with “Living” and “Non-Living” Labels

  • Blankets for sitting during story-time

  • Set up watering cans by lettuce planting station

  • Labels for lettuce (& which class planted them)

  • Lettuce Snack

  • Living & non-living book

  • Hand-sanitizer & glove for serving snack

  • Harmonica

Introduction (5 mins)

  • Welcome everyone to garden: introduce self & grown ups

  • Read “Living & Nonliving” Book. As go through book, ask questions.

Activity in the Garden (10 mins)

  • Explain: we’re going to be helping plant some lettuce plants in our garden today. Is this plant living or non-living?

  • Transplant lettuce plants in the garden

  • Water where we planted

  • Sit back down in circle, and show everyone the basket

  • Pass around the basket- let everyone have to the count of 3 to touch and look at the items in the basket: Water bottle with water inside, cabbage worm in jar, a trowel, picture of a person, a rock, a picture of a car, a small plant

  • Once the basket goes all around the circle, pull out items one and decide as a class if the item is living or non-living by using the “Living Things Need” list. Put the item in the right hula hoop.

wrap up (5 mins)

  • Everyone Tries a Lettuce Snack!