Garden Lessons: Living Things Need Space (1st grade)


Grades: 1st

Lesson Objective(s): Plants need enough space to live

Ohio Curriculum Standard: Living things have basic needs.

Supplies Needed

  • Whiteboard & Marker

  • Garlic to plant

  • 1 foot markers

  • 2 hula hoops

  • garden flags set up where garlic should be planted

  • Trowels & small gloves

  • Labels for Garlic & names of classes

  • Harmonica

Introduction (5 mins)

  • Welcome everyone to garden: introduce self & grown ups

  • Ask class to review the needs of living things

  • Show garlic plant. We need to plant garlic today! But our garlic needs lots of space in it’s new home. Why do you think it needs lots of space?

  • Do demo with hula hoops: Ask for volunteers to be “garlic bulbs.” have 4-5 students go into one hula hoop, and have 1 student go into the other. Talk about this with class: The students in a bunch don’t look so comfy, do they? Our plants need lots of space, too, so they can grow and thrive!

Activity (20 mins)

  • Demonstrate how to plant garlic bulb: Pick a flag, dig a hole 6” deep, plant garlic & tuck it in

  • Everyone gets gloves and a foot long measuring stick

  • Have students show where the half-way mark on their measuring stick with their finger

    • explain that their garlic bulbs needs to be this deep in the ground

  • Students dig a hole at least 6” deep

  • once they dig their hole, they can get a garlic bulb, plant it in the hole, and cover it up with dirt

Wrap up (5 mins)

  • If time: Help water the plant or pick cabbage worms

  • Snack: Roasted garlic hummus on a cracker