Garden Lessons: Germination Race! (2nd Grade)
Grade(s): 2nd
Lesson Objective(s): Students conduct a “Seed race,” planting different types of seeds and seeing which will grow first
Ohio Curriculum Standard: Living things cause changes in it’s environment, Basic needs of living things, Living vs non-living
Note: This Lesson is adapted for the Highland Youth Garden from Ag In the Classroom’s “Garden in a Glove” lesson
Supplies Needed
“A Seed is Sleepy” by Dianna Hutts Aston
plastic ziploc bags (1 per student)
bean, pea, & radish seeds (1 per student)
30 black sharpies (class set)
container w moistened cotton balls (3 cotton balls per student)
Germination Race Worksheet (Draw in plastic bag & Cotton balls onto bottom of worksheet)
Snap Peas (2 per student) for snack
felt board with definition of “germination” and showing how seeds develop into plants
Hand sanitizer
Introduction (2-3 mins):
Read “A Seed Is Sleepy”
Explain to students that we are going to have .a “germination race.” Show students plastic bag example.
Ask: what do you think “germination” means? Explain that germination is when a plant starts to sprout. Show demo on felt board.
Each student gets a plastic bag & a sharpie. Show on whiteboard/chalkboard how to label the bag:
Radish, Bean, Pea
Each student gets 3 moistened cotton balls. Review: what do plants need to “germinate”? They need water! Explain that we are going to use the cotton balls as our water & “soil".”
Each students gets a bean seed, a pea seed, & a bean seed. Help them distinguish which is which, and make sure they are “planted” them in the correct place in the plastic bag.
Once the “seeds” are planted, each student can tape up their plastic bag to a sunny window to germinate (have teacher help with this)
After all supplies are collected, pass out “Germination Race” worksheet. On worksheet:
Have students write definition of “germination” on worksheet
Make a prediction: Which seed do you think is going to come up first- the bean, the pea, or the radish?
Once seeds come up, label what order they came in and what they look like.
Wrap-up (5 Mins):
Enjoy a pea snack!
Classroom Extensions:
Read “From seed to plant” by Gail Gibbons, examine the different stages of plant life. “Transplant” seeds into garden, containers, or even a fish tank with soil to continue to watch them grow!