Garden Lessons: Hydroponics- Part II (6th Grade)


Grades: 6th Grade

Time Needed: 30-45 Minutes

Lesson Objective(s): Students plant their hydroponic seeds in seed starter and find recipes to use for the end-of-the-year celebration

Project Curriculum Standards: Early civilizations (India, Egypt, China and Mesopotamia) had unique governments, economic systems, social structures, religions, technologies and agricultural practices and products. The cultural practices and products of these early civilizations can be used to help understand the Eastern Hemisphere today.

Supplies Needed

  • Class seed set (selected in Part I)

  • Hydroponics tower (set up)

  • Hydroponic seed starters

  • Pencils, markers, colored pencils

  • Printer Paper

  • Class Chromebooks

  • Recipe Worksheet

  • Harmonica

Introduction & planting (15 mins):

Explain instructions: we have our hydroponics tower, and we know all about our seeds we’ll be planting! Now, let’s plant them.

  • Every student gets their seed packet & 5-10 hydroponic starter cells

  • Students can plant their seed. Give some instructions: don’t get the other seeds wet, only pour out a few at a time, only place 2-3 per container, etc.

Research (10 mins):

  • Now we’re going to create a recipe for the seed you planted. Pass out “Recipe Worksheet” (1 per student)

  • Explain: At the end of the school-year, when our plants are ready to harvest, we’ll select our favorite recipes from the class & make a big lunch together

  • Once your draft is done, get it approved by garden teacher and start working on final copy.

Wrap up (5 mins):

  • Circle up. Have students share some of their recipes.