Garden Lessons: Garden Scavenger Hunt (6th Grade)


Grades: 6th Grade

Time Needed: About an hour

Lesson Objective(s): Students practice reading skills, teamwork, and orientation skills using a scavenger hunt worksheet and a garden map*

* This year, 6th Grade students are doing a special project where they help harvest produce for Highland Youth Garden’s weekly “Fresh Food Box” program. Each Thursday, 6th graders, find, harvest, wash, and sort produce for 10 families from their schools. On Saturdays, families pick up their “fresh food box.” In addition to their time spend actually working with produce, they also make materials like recipe sheets & nutrition cards each week to add to the boxes. This scavenger hunt is designed to help them navigate the garden, use a map, and practice using tools they’ll use during harvesting time, like the scale or hand-washing station.

Supplies Needed

Introduction (5 mins):

  • Welcome everyone to garden: introduce self again

  • Quickly review what we did last week: You have rules in your classroom! When we saw you last, we talked about some rules we have the garden. Raise your hand if you can think of a rule we have in the garden (take 3-4 hands)

Activity (20 mins)

  • Explain instructions: We’re doing a scavenger hunt today!

    • Quickly review- use walking feet, follow directions, not picking anything w/o permission, etc.

    • When finished, go to picnic table to get snack

  • pair up students in groups of 2

  • Students do scavenger hunt!

  • Once they finish scavenger hunt, they go to the picnic table to get a snack

Wrap up:

  • Gather in group

  • Review answers in group


Garden LessonsTeresa Woodard